One of the major problems in every home is that of the clogged drains. No matter which part of the globe you are living in the clogged drains can challenge your patience. These blockages and cloggings can happen any time and any day. They are the most unexpected thing that can happen to any one. These clogs can not just impact upon the flow of water in the drains but can also result in the leakages at the end. These clogs can become a real disaster if they are not treated well in time. If your drains are clogged and you are not able to find a emergency plumber Yarraville at the urgent then the solution rests in your home. With some easily available stuff at the home you can open the clogged drains easily. Some popular ways to open the clogs are as follows:
The easiest way to open the clogged drains is to use the boiling water. It is not something that requires an expert help or sophisticated tools. If you have a metal or ceramic based drainage system then pour boiling water into the drain to loosen up the clogging. This method works great in the kitchen drains that receive a lot of grease and oil.
- Make an anti clogging agent at your home by mixing together white vinegar and the baking powder. Pour the mixture into the clogged drain. The mixture starts boiling out in the efferesence form. It is important to keep the bubbles within the drain. Completely cover the drain and prevent the bubbles from coming out. Once the bubbles settle pour in the hot water to flush out the scrap.
- The most active ingredient that is essential for cleaning the drains and is readily available in the stores is the caustic soda. This agent works great in the bathroom drains. The environmentalist does not prefer this option as they can adversely impact on the existence outside the home.
- The easiest way to clean is to use the plunger. It is the easiest to handle tool. Fixed with a rubber suction cup at the bottom it sucks out the clogging materials with the up and down movements. It works as a great option when the drainage is clogged with some solid but lose clogging. The results are not satisfactory if you are using it to open the heavily greased kitchen drains.
- Spraying the drain with water can help in getting rid of the clogged drains. The water is pushed into the drain help of the hydro jet. If you have experienced it earlier it is fine otherwise you can ask a plumbing company Footscray to help you in getting rid of the clogged drains.